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Kleinsman Varzideh Team

Not only your teeth, but also the surrounding gums (gingiva) play a crucial role in a radiant and healthy oral appearance. The gums perform important functions and are largely responsible for the stability of the teeth. Diseases such as periodontitis are painful and, if left untreated, can lead to gum recession and eventual tooth loss. Other risk factors that can compromise gum health include certain medications, regular stress, an unbalanced diet low in vitamins, and smoking. We explain how you can take the health of your gums into your own hands and care for them appropriately in the following news article from Kleinsman / Varzideh Dental Center.

This is how I care for my gums properly!

Gum health starts with choosing the right toothbrush. The bristles of the brush should not be too hard to avoid unnecessarily causing irritation to the gingiva. You can also buy antibacterial toothpaste in the drugstore, which likewise lowers the risk of contracting gingivitis. As part of your daily dental care routine, make sure you spend enough time cleaning the spaces between your teeth and remove all food debris. Make sure you eat a balanced diet and try to avoid acidic foods and drinks as much as possible. Foods that require intensive chewing, such as whole-grain bread, nuts and carrots, help to promote salivation and strengthen the immune system.

Preventive care at the Kleinsman / Varzideh Dental Center

You should make regular check-up appointments with your treating dentist at the Kleinsman / Varzideh Dental Center to ensure early detection of gum problems and disease. With the help of a semi-annual prophylaxis treatment, all superficial bacteria and deposits can be removed, which further reduces the risk of contracting gingivitis.

Do you still have questions on the topic of gum health? If so, please feel free to contact us at any time or schedule a personal consultation - we look forward to welcoming you to the Kleinsman / Varzideh Dental Center!

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